
is it a girl. is it a boy. oh, its a duet.
and then you find out.
its only one guy (though mattafix is a duo).

so, the voice.
but the lyirics, as well.
they are soulful.
they treat topic and questions we tend to avoid.

i dont dare to do genres and labels, but if i had to, old school r'n'b would be the one to put on them.

my guess is that all song were written on a guitar,
and then put together with numerous samples.

anyhow, signs of a struggle, their first album is one of my all time favorites.

to those of you who havent met mattafix, enjoy.

to those of you who cried their eyes out when marlon roudette and preetesh hirji parted, here's marlons solo.
the name of the album is matter fixed. so may know how similar it is to his previous work.
but it just doesnt have that atmosphere signs of a struggle has.